Beauty measures and obsession rid of wrinkles - Zada-Far


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Beauty measures and obsession rid of wrinkles

Beauty measures and obsession rid of wrinkles

The end result that every cosmetic surgeon wants is to get rid of the wrinkles, so that we can help customers get great results, we must first understand: What is beauty? What are its measures?
What are the standards of beauty?Wrinkles are not the only cause of the elderly face. It is clear that there are precise factors that define the concept of beauty, including "positive feelings". The pleasant, comfortable and happy expressions that give a younger appearance are only part of the rule. Here are the criteria that define the concept of beauty and some unfounded myths.

Face and facial treatments, requires both us and the therapists to pay close attention to the delicate and delicate things. The end result that every cosmetic surgeon or cosmetic surgeon wants is to get rid of wrinkles and make the customer more beautiful. To help customers get great results, we must first go back a few steps and try to understand: What is beauty? It is clear that the question of defining beauty is more accurate than we imagine.

What are the basic beauty compounds?

 1. Symmetry and ratios

The symmetry of our face is the ideal object built into the subconscious. It is clear that we are always drawn to people with body building and symmetrical faces. Studies have shown that even newborns prefer people with an asymmetric facial structure.
 During the Renaissance, artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and others identified with the exact same symmetry of directing other artists in their work. The measurement was based on the measurement of angles along the width and width of the face, and when it was hoped according to the formulas developed by the ancient Greeks. The subject of measuring the exact face, scientific level, and fixed ratio between the parts of the face was evaluated by the golden number.

Stephen Markt made this one step further and built a mask according to the "Golden Number". Markert revealed that all the faces of men and women of all ethnic groups he examined were appropriate for the mask that he made better than faces that seemed less attractive, less analogous.

2. Positive feelings

The beautiful faces are the faces that are interesting to look at, but sometimes we face the appearance of a sad, angry and cruel face.

 3. The younger look

We always wonder "What is aging?", The first answer is usually: "Wrinkles." If we break the theory that you have believed for years: the smallest problem in the elderly face is getting rid of wrinkles. The main problems in return are discharge (low facial volume), drooping face and lower skin quality.

What happens to our beauty as we age?

During our aging years there occurs a loss of size in all layers: skin, fat, muscle and bone. Changes in the skin and muscle tissue are not as acute as we think, but the fundamental part that is undergoing a major change is actually bone. Our bones have changed over the years, which actually leads to soft tissue in the skin for loss of support. A good example of this is the area of ​​the quarry, where its upper, inner and lower parts lose support. Loss of support for soft skin tissue may be expressed in many other areas such as: middle cheek, eyelids, nose, upper and lower lip, chin and so on.

Fat also plays an important role in low volume

The layers of fat in the face are arranged and well defined, but over the years, there is a shift of fat from one place to another within the layers, especially the fat drop down, leading in some places to feeling the loss of size. Responsible for the phenomenon of what we call "drooping face", are fatty tissues, connective tissue and skin.

Face drooping

We usually like to look at the phenomenon of face drooping with the vegetative wall: it has fine branches tied to the trunk, all very accurate and prone to fall. It is also the building of connective tissue belts and their association with bones. There are areas in the face that do not have "trunks": these areas are usually moved by the muscles, so the tissue under the skin does not receive support. In these areas feel a bifurcation and weakness in the building and those are areas that "will fall."

Poor skin quality occurs due to loss of collagen fibers and elastin. Loss of fiber The skin is not allowed to deal with deeper tissue decline. All this happens after years of exposure to sunlight, as well as from wrinkles, changes in blood vessels and pigmentation.

Skin aging processes mainly affect areas such as the corners of the mouth, jaw line, chin, eyebrows, cheeks, nose and others. The result of aging process can affect our facial structure, for example, people born with a round face building, find themselves with a square face building at the end of the process.

What is the role of plastic surgeon?

Here comes the role of plastic surgeon who can fill empty areas (lips, cheeks, eyelids, nose, etc.), restore the appearance of the face and give him the youthful and vital appearance that was before the years do and help to get rid of wrinkles.For cosmetic surgeon we say briefly, to make our customers more beautiful, we must understand the facial dynamics and aging process:

The first and most important stage when we want to treat the client's face is the diagnosis: the correct diagnosis of all the problems will give the client a correct and qualitative treatment. It is very important that the diagnosis be treated with the face and neck as a single unit, not as specific points: care should be taken to preserve the skin and deep tissue (through moisture and lymphatic massage), care must be taken to renew the skin (by peeling) Eliminating Wrinkles on the Face and Neck With regard to constant makeup and the appearance of eyebrows, attention should be paid to the personal appearance of each client, taking into account the rules of symmetry and general beauty.

In post-injection therapy, it is important to take care of gentle lymphatic massage to prevent the formation of fangs in the first weeks after injection, massage or violent treatments may be harmful. Special attention should also be given to the appearance of other masses or complications in the customer. In this case it is forbidden to perform a treatment for the client and must be directed to the doctor immediately.

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