Treatment of Allergy to Pregnant Women - Zada-Far


Friday, September 28, 2018

Treatment of Allergy to Pregnant Women

Treatment of Allergy to Pregnant Women

Pregnant women face a range of physical, structural and even psychological changes that affect their life. They experience many psychological feelings that they have not experienced before due to the change of their hormones. They also suffer from headaches, nausea, Stomach problems, pressure, back pain and others. This is in addition to the changes in the shape of the body, and the acquisition of excessive weight, but in some cases, pregnant women may suffer from allergies in the respiratory system, or may be sensitive to severe itching, and in this article will learn about the treatment methods of this problem disturbing.

 Pregnant Sensitivity Pregnant women suffer from two types of allergies: allergies to some substances despite the strength of the immune system in pregnant women, but sometimes may change the extent of the effects of things in the vicinity, may suffer from breathing difficulties in general, and may be sometimes Accompanied by coughing or blushing, when the smell of certain chemicals, such as soap, detergents, or even perfumes, may be smeared, and sometimes a pregnant woman may develop a rash due to exposure to sunlight.

The best way to treat allergies is to prevent and avoid what irritates, in addition to drinking more fluids and specifically water, and must maintain a healthy diet. Allergy caused by the liver and itchy It may be pregnant women with a rare type of allergies in the last months of pregnancy, resulting from a problem in the yellow juice that the liver secreted, where this juice is responsible for the fragmentation of food and fat in the intestine, when the problem in the liver, Leads to the lack of secretion of this juice, then the salts in the gall bladder begins deposition in the blood, and this will lead to a sense of itching in the area of ​​the soles of the palm and foot.

Where scientists attribute the cause of this problem to the rise of the hormone progesterone in the body, which may be a shock to the liver, which will affect the performance, and may affect these problems in the liver on the outer shape of women, which may appear pale, and may affect the process of blood clotting and will be There is a risk of bleeding at birth. This type of allergy is treated as follows: Stay away from nylon clothing, which may irritate the skin, and focus on cotton clothing. Use body moisturizers. Bathing in warm water, keep away from very hot water. Share this article Facebook Twitter Google +

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