Masks for oily skin: Natural ways to get the most Beautiful Skin - Zada-Far


Friday, September 21, 2018

Masks for oily skin: Natural ways to get the most Beautiful Skin

Masks for oily skin: Natural ways to get the most Beautiful Skin

People with oily skin need to take care of their skin with an extra effort to protect them from the complications that excessive fat accumulation can cause, especially if the woman spends a lot of time outside the home.

How to distinguish oily skin?

Oily skin produces a lot of natural oils compared to other skin types, which leads to repeated appearance of grains and blackheads, in addition to the open pores and unwanted luster, especially in the areas of the nose, forehead and chin. Dermatologists agree that good cleaning (read: vaginal cleaning and sensitive areas), using the right materials, may be the most needed for oily skin to rid them of excess fat and keep them beautiful, young and healthy. Fortunately, there are many natural ingredients that can be used regularly to make oily skin cleansers for deep cleaning and reducing or regulating their fat. If the fat is concentrated in specific areas of the skin, as with mixed skin, the oily skin pads should be placed on the fatty areas only to ensure that the non-fat areas of the skin are not affected by the dehydration caused by the use of this type of catheter.

9 Masks for oily skin

Tomato paste

The tomato paste helps to rid the oily skin of excess fat and reduce the large pores, so that the skin looks healthy and beautiful. This type of catcher can be used for oily skin 2-3 times a week. The simplest way to make this catcher is to cross the human flesh of the tomato and place it on the fatty areas of the skin for 15 minutes.

Orange peel mask

The orange peel is dried before it is well grinded and turned into powder. The orange powder is then mixed with water and yogurt to make the catcher before placing it on the skin. Orange peel is an effective treatment for the elimination of fats and oils of the skin, which works to open the pores and clean deeply and save them from excess fat.

Lemon Massage

Lemon is one of the most effective natural substances in the solution of oily skin problems. To make this type of catcher for oily skin, you can mix the lemon with other ingredients or put fresh lemon juice alone on the fatty parts of the skin directly to cleanse and rid of excess fat, taking care not to feel the skin (read: skin problems of the baby), Lemon to shower water to get rid of excess fat in the skin of the body generally.

Banana and honey mask

With a tablespoon of white honey and a few points of orange juice or lemon, apply it to the skin and leave it for 15 minutes, then remove it with a soft cloth. The banana and honey mask is used to soothe oily skin.

Chickpeas and yogurt

Compared with previous types of oily skin, this catcher has the ability to rid the skin of dead skin cells and excess fat to look healthy, and can be used to peel the skin. The chickpeas and yogurt are especially suited for dark skin, and chickpea flour is obtained by roasting chickpeas and then grinding them. To make the catcher, mix two tablespoons of chickpea flour with 2-3 tablespoons of yogurt until the dough has a dough-like texture. A little water can be added gradually and in small amounts until the desired texture is obtained. The catcher is placed on the face for 20 minutes before washing with water.

Oatmeal and honey

The oily skin is obtained by mixing oats, honey and lemon juice together. The mixture is placed on the face for 10 minutes before washing the catcher with warm water and gently drying it with a soft towel. The previous catcher can be used daily, or when you feel the need for a quick solution that keeps your skin clean and smooth (read: questions that girls may have about sex).

Option Mask and Egg

This mixture is made by mixing the following ingredients: half a cucumber, one egg whites, a teaspoon of lemon juice, and a fresh mint mixture. The resulting mixture is kept in the refrigerator for 10 minutes before placing it on the face for 15 minutes. The skin should then be washed with warm water first, then cool water to prevent accumulation of fat and oils in the skin.

Apple and Honey Mask

Then add three tablespoons of honey to the apples and stir well, then put on the skin and leave for 10 minutes before washing with warm water.

The water of rose, glycerin and lemon

Rose water acts as a natural cleanser and cleanser for the skin, while glycerol moisturizes, and lemon rid of fat. The catcher can then be used to treat grain and scars or wounds (see: Tips for renewing your sexual life). This mixture is made by mixing equal amounts of rose water, glycerin and lemon and then placed on the face for 20 minutes. The previous mixture can be kept in a bottle placed inside the freezer section of the refrigerator for daily use.

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